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The online Patients’ School will discuss current issues of communication between a patient, a physician and authorities


On November 26, at 14:00 the online Patients’ School will be held dedicated to aspects of correct communication between a patient, a physician and authorities. Administrative support of the School is provided by the Moscow and Moscow region Administration of Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare of Russian Federation (Roszdravnadzor). The School is organized by the branch of the Public Council for the Protection of Patients' Rights at Roszdravnadzor Administration in Moscow and Moscow region, with organizational and technical assistance from non-profit partnership Equal Right to Life and international public movement “Movement Against Cancer”.

Anyone can take part in the online school, it is necessary only to register following the link
The event will be broadcast on the Internet in real time. During the online school highly qualified specialists will cover the most topical and critical issues of ethics of patient-doctor relationships, will tell about the rules for constructing an effective dialogue with authorities. At the end of their presentations speakers will give practical advices and answer questions of the Internet audience. Any participant of the School will have an opportunity to communicate with speakers through chat.

Topics planned for discussion during the School:

1. Ethics in the patient-doctor relationship. Establishing good working relationship with your doctor. Lector: Irina Sergeevna Mylnikova, senior lecturer in bioethics at the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov;

2. How to conduct a dialogue with public authorities. Lector: Lidiya Sergeevna Moskvina, chief legal adviser of NP Equal Right to Life, secretary of the branch of the Public Council for the Protection of Patients' Rights at Roszdravnadzor Administration in Moscow and Moscow region.

During the webcast consultation in chat will be available. Legal adviser Larisa Zvereva will answer questions asked by the School participants.
On November 26, master class “Supporting care in oncology” will be held in Ivanovo
Beginning at 13:00
Venue: Ivanovo, Lyubimov street, 5, Ivanovo Regional Cancer Center.

Welcome address:
Vladimir Alexandrovich Kozlov, Chief Physician of Ivanovo Regional Cancer Center.

1. Topical issues of malignant diseases - 30 minutes.
Vladimir Alexandrovich Kozlov, Chief Physician of Ivanovo Regional Cancer Center.

2. The problem of anemia in cancer patients - 30 minutes.
Vadim Vadimovich Ptushkin, doct. med. sci., professor, Head of Department of hematology and oncology of adolescents and adults of the Federal Research and Clinical Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology of the Russian Ministry of Health.

3. Clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of anemia in patients with malignant neoplasms - 45 minutes.
Vadim Vadimovich Ptushkin, doct. med. sci., professor, Head of Department of hematology and oncology of adolescents and adults of the Federal Research and Clinical Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology of the Russian Ministry of Health.

4. Proposals for the use of myelocytokines (GM-CSF) to prevent neutropenia in patients receiving chemotherapy – the role of prolonged release drugs – 30 minutes.
Vadim Vadimovich Ptushkin, doct. med. sci., professor, Head of Department of hematology and oncology of adolescents and adults of the Federal Research and Clinical Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology of the Russian Ministry of Health.

5. Clinical practice guidelines for prevention of nausea and vomiting - 30 minutes.
Vadim Vadimovich Ptushkin, doct. med. sci., professor, Head of Department of hematology and oncology of adolescents and adults of the Federal Research and Clinical Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology of the Russian Ministry of Health.

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