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October 17: International Webinar on oncology for doctors of Russia and Ukraine.


An open online seminar for physicians will be held October 17 at 18.00 in the Internet that will be dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. It will be the first one in a series of international webcasts for physicians.

The primary purpose of the webinar is to strengthen international scientific and practical cooperation between leading Russian oncologists, leading Ukraine experts and oncologists in light of the implementation of the Political Declaration of High Level Meeting of the UN General Assembly on prevention and control of non-contagious diseases.

Leading Russian and foreign experts in the field of oncology will take part there reporting on the international experience of breast cancer treatment, the advanced achievements in this field, ways of addressing the problems of cancer care availability. Also, experts from Harvard University featuring West will participate in the discussion of main challenges of the webinar.

The webinar is organized by the leading Russian non-profit anticancer organization - the Non-commercial partnership "Equal right to life" with the assistance of the A.M. Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Foundation.

The online workshop will be useful primarily for breast physicians, oncologists and gynecologists, surgeons and internists. Anyone can take part in it. For this, you have to register first going to and then log on to the site at 18.00 on 17 October.

Webinar program:

18:00 - 18:40 Opening remarks

"An initiative to establish Russian guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer"

"Medical Education in the Russian Federation"

Poddubnaya Irina, Academic and International Cooperation Vice President of the FVE Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Russian Academy of Postgraduate Education with the Ministry of Health, Head of the Department of Oncology, Corresponding Fellow of Russian Academy of Medical Science, Professor.

18:40 - 19:00 Expanding Access to Breast Cancer Care and Control: A Global Challenge Felicia Knaul, MA, PhD (Economics, Harvard University), Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School, Director of the Harvard Global Equity Initiative.

19:00 - 19:20 "The problems of cancer care availability"

Borisov Dmitry, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Association of Oncologists, Executive Director of NPO "Equal right to life"

Sedakov Igor, MD, professor of oncology, Donetsk National Medical University , chief doctor of the Donetsk regional anti-tumor center, chief part-time oncologist with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (Donetsk) .

19:40 - 20:00 "Drug therapy of early breast cancer"

Stenina Marina, MD, a leading researcher at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Russian N.N. Blokhin Cancer Research Center, RAMS, Moscow

Discussion. Conclusion.

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