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Interview with Vadim Vadimovich Ptushkin


Moderator (Society of Hematology) of master classes on topics of maintenance therapy in oncology, head of the Department of hematology and oncology of adolescents and adults at FSBI "Federal research and clinical center of pediatric hematology, oncology and immunology" of the Russian Ministry of Health, doct. med. sci., professor, Moscow

What are the educational tasks, which are addressed by Patients’ Schools conducted by professional Russian Society of Hematology and non-profit partnership Equal Right to Life?

First of all, Schools are organized in order to provide objective information for patients about their disease: its nature, existing up-to-date treatments, etc. It is very important to advice patients on their behavior, to try to make sure that people do not commit wrong actions, which may lead to inadequate treatment.
The second task is to explain possible negative effects of treatment, which is usually toxic. A patient should be prepared; he or she has to understand what procedures are carried out, what they are for and how to reduce the negative effects of cancer treatment.
The third aspect we talk about current treatment options and their results. We want patients understand that if they receive adequate treatment, strictly follow all doctor’s recommendations, then he or she has a chance to live significantly longer or be completely curied.

Can we say that Patients’ Schools have an impact to improve the quality of specialized care in regions of the country?

Certainly. A patient has the possibility and must have objective scientific information about disease, and discuss the disease with his or her doctor on this basis. "There are such and such methods of treatment for my disease - whether or not all of them have been offered to me? If not, what prevents the full value treatment?

What is the effectiveness of master classes for maintenance therapy in oncology, organized by the Society of Hematology and non-profit partnership Equal Right to Life? Does this educational approach differ from other programs?

First, the master class format provides a good opportunity to invite highly skilled specialists. We always give the floor to people who have rich clinical experience and, at the same time, use the most modern methods of treatment. It is these specialists, who can tell how modern treatments are implemented in practice.
These meetings are very important for local doctors, are offered an opportunity to obtain information on the latest cutting-edge techniques, and discuss the problems that exist in this or that geographical region.

Why the Krasnodar Territory was chosen for the master class?

We conduct master classes in all regions of the country and the Krasnodar Territory is no exception. A very good Cancer Center is functioning here; there are superior capabilities for the operational phase of cancer patient treatment, the Thoracic Surgery Center with cutting-edge technology, trained team of oncologists and chemotherapeutists.
But there are questions that need to be discussed. As with any region remote from the center, in order to have the possibility to use the combination of all modern diagnostic techniques (including molecular diagnosis) and treatments of tumors, in the Krasnodar Territory there is a need for additional information and practical knowledge. It is these issues that we focus in our work.

Are there a range of problems in onco-hematology unique to Krasnodar Territory?

There are hardly any regional particularities to talk about. There is a common range of problems associated with the treatment of recurrent malignant lymphoma. Therefore, we considered the intensification of the first-line chemotherapy to minimize the number of relapses and, accordingly, related problems.

Do you discuss at master classes the most common cases that need to be considered, regardless of region?

At master class in Krasnodar we discussed, as usual, our clinical cases as well as cases presented by local doctors. At the same time the participants asked us questions related to some patients. In most cases, these cases are not exclusive, for us it is typical situations which we encountered many times over the years of practice. And that is good from the point of view that we can fully answer these questions.
As for the exceptional cases, rare tumors or syndromes, we have them in our practice of course, but at this particular we did not discussed it.

What are the main problems in oncology covered at the master class in Krasnodar?

We discussed several issues, including chemotherapy, its intensification, i.e. specific antitumor treatment. On the other hand, we have paid great attention to the quality of life of cancer patients. In many ways, the task of the master class was to give physicians the key to overcome the toxicity of anticancer drug treatment in order to better conduct it and, thus, improve the outcomes. In other words, it was about increasing the longevity of cancer patients and improving their quality of life.

Master class on maintenance therapy in oncology is an educational project for doctors implemented by the professional Russian Society of Hematology with the support of non-profit partnership Equal Right to Life. The Russian Society of Hematology is lead by Irina Vladimirovna Poddubnaya, a corresponding member of RAMS, doct. med. sci., professor, head of the department of oncology and vice rector for academic affairs and international cooperation at the Russian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education. As part of the project, educational outreach events are organized for physicians and specialists at the regional cancer centers across the country. The events include theoretical courses and practical workshops conducted by experts from federal institutions. During master classes doctors are able to not only gain new knowledge about methods of cancer treatment but also to participate in conferences on analysis of the most complex cases and get advice from leading national experts on the treatment of individual patients. In order to make educational events more accessible to professionals from different, even the most remote regions, master classes for physicians are conducted online starting from 2012. For more information, please visit the website:

“Patients’ School” is one of the informational and educational projects for cancer patients and their relatives, implemented by interregional public movement Movement Against Cancer with support of non-profit partnership Equal Right to Life in different regions of Russia since 2009. Schools are conducted with the participation of specialists from leading specialized medical institutions, representatives of health authorities and public organizations, psychologists and lawyers. Since 2011, Patients’ Schools are also held on the Internet in real time. For more information, please visit the website of NP “Equal Right to Life” .

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