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All news...21.09.2015
The city scientific and practical seminar ‘Early diagnostics of malignant tumors of oral cavity and oropharynx’ will take place in St. Petersburg within the 3rd European week of head and neck cancer on the 16th of September. The event is organized by the non-profit partnership ‘Equal right to life’ with the support of the European association of specialists in head and neck tumors (EHNS), Russian association of oncologists, the Society of specialists in head and neck tumors, the All-Russian federation of the specialists in head and neck diseases and also Merck company. A conference seminar will be broadcasted live, which will involve not only the doctors of the Northern capital, but also specialists from other Russian regions.
The main task of the Week of early diagnostics of head and neck cancer is to inform the medical community and common people about the importance of early detection of this type of tumors.
Head and neck cancer today is a major social problem that requires attention from the government, health authorities, public organizations and the medical community. There are about 600000 patients are diagnosed with head and neck cancer each year. More than a half of them die. In Russia, 15000 people per year die from this disease. And yet almost 90% of those patients could have survived if the disease would have been discovered in time, and the treatment would have been assigned at an early stage. The scientific and practical conference in St. Petersburg will be aimed at raising cancer awareness among dentists, because these specialists have the opportunity to detect precancerous and cancerous pathologies in early stages. At the conference, leading experts will share their experience in diagnostics and treatment of malignant tumors of oral cavity and oropharynx, and also will tell about the legal aspects of patient care.
The speakers of the conference will be Makhinas Georgiy Moiseevich, professor, a chief freelance oncologist in St. Petersburg, a head of the City Clinical Oncology Dispensary, and also Moroz Boris Terentyevich, professor, a chief freelance dentist in St. Petersburg, a head of the Department of therapeutic dentistry of the North-West State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov.
The main topics of the reports will include:
• Legal aspects and quality control of medical care for the patients with head and neck tumors – Pavlova Elena Naumovna, a medical expert, St. Petersburg state-financed health institution City Clinical Oncology Dispensary;
• Major diseases of mucous membranes of oral cavity and precancerous processes – Kulik Inga Vladimirovna, Cand. Of Med. Science, assistant of the Department of therapeutic dentistry of the North-West State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov;
• Screening technologies of the diseases of mucous membranes of oral cavity – Karuzin Sergey Vyacheslavovich, OOO (Limited Liability Company) Surgical Innovations;
• A multimodal approach to diagnostics and treatment of cancer of mucous membranes of oral cavity and oropharynx – Khrustalev Mikhail Igorevich, a head of the Oncology department of maxillofacial surgery of St. Petersburg state-financed health institution City Clinical Oncology Dispensary;
• Modern medical therapy of malignant head and neck tumors – Kutukova Svetlana Igorevna, Cand. Of Med. Science, assistant professor of the Department of operative dentistry and maxillofacial surgery of Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University;
• Maintaining the quality of life of patients with cancer, improving the hygienic status after radio- and chemotherapy – Ignatkova Elena Viktorovna, a dental hygienist, a consultant. Member of Russian Association of Dental Hygienists.
By the Internet broadcasting, not only the specialists from St. Petersburg will be able to listen to the master-class, but the doctors from other Russian regions. Webcast will be available on broadcast.comdi.com/p/ravnoepravo/ex007lzdyi2wvrkuax5i
Schedule: September 16, 2015, 14:00-17:00.
Address: St. Petersburg state-financed health institution City Clinical Oncology Dispensary, St. Petersburg, Veteranov Avenue, 56, a conference hall