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Specialized care for cardiovascular disease: experts will answer questions online


On June 24, at 14:00 the online "Patients' School" will be held dedicated to issues of specialized care for cardiovascular disease. The School is organized with administrative support of Roszdravnadzor Administration in Moscow and Moscow Region and organizational and technical assistance by non-profit partnership "Equal Right to Life" and interregional public movement "Movement Against Cancer".

To register for participation in the school, please follow the link 
As part of Patients' School participants will find out, in particular, how to get high-quality medical care for cardiovascular diseases, where to appeal and how to assert rights in the event of denial to provide care, in which circumstances patients need stent angioplasty of coronary arteries, how to choose a method of treatment. The participants in the school will listen to leading experts of reputable medical facilities and institutions.
Each lecturer at the end of his/her speech will give practical advice and answer questions of the audience on the Internet. Any participant of Patients' School will have an opportunity to ask questions to lecturers in writing (via chat / forum) or verbally (in videocall). The School will be useful not only for patients but also for everyone who have friends or relatives with such pathologies.
Issues planned for discussion in the framework of Patients' School:
1. When stent angioplasty of coronary arteries is considered necessary in acute myocardial infarction and chronic forms of coronary heart disease?
Lecturer – Elena Yurievna Vasilieva, professor, doct. med. sci., Head of Atherothrombosis Center of the State Clinical Hospital No. 23, professor of cardiology at Department of Post-Graduate Education of Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Honorary Member of the European Society of Cardiology, Member of the European Committee for the diagnosis of myocardial infarction.
2. Ischemic heart disease: the choice of method and treatment strategy
Lecturer – Philip Nikolaevich Paleev, doct. med. sci., professor, head of cardiopulmonology department at MV Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute.
3. Legal Aspects. Receiving high-tech medical care.
Lecturer – Tatiana Olegovna Shiliuk, cand. sci. (Law), lecturer at the O.E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University, a member of the Young Lawyers Council of the Association of Lawyers of Russia.
For more information please contact press center, Veronika Bukhmatova ( or call +7 (499) 788 92 12

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